Janice Shapiro, MA, LMFT California Lic #86051

Psychotherapist for Marriage, Individual and Family Happiness

"To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly."    
                    ---Henri Bergson 

My Story

My career journey from 4th grade teacher to marriage and family therapist took a lot of twists and turns. Although, believe it or not, it all connects. 

Starting the journey as an elementary school teacher, I learned so much about how children absorb, learn, and develop. My first pivotal change occurred during parent-teacher conferences. After the regular part of "How your child is doing", parents would tell me about their family story: the history, struggles, heartaches and joys. They would tell me ALL. I began to see my students in a new light as family members. I was drawn to the field of marriage and family therapy. 

My second pivotal change occurred while working as a therapist. I was able to connect behaviors my clients wanted to change to past negative experiences. And so my motto became: "Whatever you have learned, you can unlearn and learn new ways of being," In other words, it is possible to make changes. 

My third pivotal change occurred when I became certified as a pet loss and bereavement counselor. Hearing about such strong attachment while listening to my clients tell of their losses made me realize how extraordinary the bond can become between ourselves and our beloved pets. Sometimes, even more attached than human to human relationships. Why? Because with pets, we experience pure, unaldulterated love. Humans are more complicated. We start life wired for secure attachment, but then trauma, abuse, bad experiences get in the way and we end up protecting ourselves through insecure attachments. 

That's where I come in. I help clients get back to their roots: secure attachment aka bond aka love that creates happiness and well-being.

