"Home is what you take with you, not what you leave behind."

                               ---   N.K. Jemisin

Congratulations! You've done such a good job parenting that now your adult child has gone out into the world with confidence, joy and independence. 

But what did you say? You are a mess?

We have a name for that, it's called the Empty Nest Syndrome.

First off, I want to tell you it's normal. You are making one of the all-time hardest transitions ever. From years as nurturer, safety patrol officer and teacher to a brand new unknown, unscripted role. 

It's done. Raising children has come to an end. You are still parents, but must change as your family changes. Expectations may not turn out quite like you thought they would, because your children are now in charge of their own lives with all the trials and tribulations that come with that. No wonder we have feelings of distress, sadness, loss, regret, anxiety, irritability, fear, frustration, and the list goes on.

These symptoms not only occur when your child first leaves home for college or career. It can also happen later on when your child moves to another town, state or country for a job or for a relationship. 

Mostly, these negative symptoms can be intensified by three things: your own experience of leaving home, transitioning to a new family dynamic and current relationship issues. 

If the Empty Nest Syndrome is something you are experiencing, call Janice. We can explore together the Whys and Wherefores so you can finally enjoy the fruits of your labor, i.e.enjoying your kids as productive, independent, confident and therefore happy adults. 

 Empty Nest Syndrome

Janice Shapiro, MA, LMFT California Lic #86051

Psychotherapist for Marriage, Individual and Family Happiness